速報APP / 工具 / Magnifying Glass

Magnifying Glass





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本



聯絡地址:N 6 rue 25 bloc d hay oued fes fes, fes 30000

Magnifying Glass(圖1)-速報App

The Simplest, Easiest-to-Use Magnifying Glass in the App Store – Flashlight (LED Torch Light), Digital Magnifier, Restaurant Menu Reader, and Prescription Bottle Reader all-in-one.

Magnifying Glass is a FREE android application. The simplest tool that anyone can use it without training. The best app that helps you magnify small text. With Magnifying Glass, you will read clearly and easily, and never missing anything. What's more, you can zoom in or zoom out the camera by your fingers. Also, the smart magnifier can use flashlight whenever you need.

What you can do with this magnifying glass:

1- Read text, business cards or newspapers with no glasses.

2- Check the details of your medicine bottle prescription.

3- Read menu in a dark light restaurant.

Magnifying Glass(圖2)-速報App

4- Check serial Numbers From Back Of Device (WiFi, TV’s, Washer, DVD, Refrigerator, etc.).

5- Replace the backyard bulb at night.

6- Find things in a purse.

7- Can be used as a Microscope (for more fine and tiny images, though, this is not a real microscope).


1- Zoom: from 1x to 8x.

Magnifying Glass(圖3)-速報App

2- Freeze: After freezing, you can view magnified photos in more detail.

3- Flashlight: Use a flashlight in dark places or during the night.

4- Take Photos: Save magnified photos on your phone.

5- Photos: Browse saved photos and you can share or delete them.

6- Filters: A variety of filter effects to protect your eyes.

7- Brightness: You can adjust the brightness of the screen.

Magnifying Glass(圖4)-速報App

8- Settings: You can adjust the configuration of the magnifier to meet your specific needs.

Download our magnifying glass app, and you’ll be able to read even the tiniest print clearly. Finally, you’ll see everything big and clear. Best of all, you’ll stop blaming yourself for your imperfect eyesight. In addition, to getting the best magnifier, you’ll also get the brightest LED torch flashlight.

Magnifying Glass(圖5)-速報App